# Specify the "Direct URL", which is
# If RouterOS version 5.xx, then remove from the URL encryption - "https" change this to "http". Also see below.
# In front of the sign "?" put a backslash "\".
:global "direct-url" "*************ZndoZG1BOjE3MDczNDY1"

# Specify the URL API "ASCII"
# Log in under your account and open the page
# Then copy the URL of your site - Available API Interfaces : ASCII (!!! NOT XML !!!)
# ATTENTION!!!! Before the question mark, put a backslash "\".
# If RouterOS version 5.xx, then remove from the URL encryption - "https" change this to "http".
:global "api-url" "*******||**************ZndoZG1BOjE3MDczNDY1"
# Specify your domain or subdomain.
:global "*******"

# Define variables for the external (WAN) interface
# Case sensitive.
:global "pppoe-out1"
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing more do not need to edit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# Check whether the file with the IP domain - freedns.txt
:if ([:len [/file find name=freedns.txt]] > 0) do={
} else={
/tool fetch url=$"api-url" dst-path="/freedns.txt"
# Find out the IP address of the domain using the API and parsing.
# Split the file
:local "result" [/file get freedns.txt contents]
:local "startloc" ([:find $"result" $"dns-domain"] + ([:len $"dns-domain"] + 1))
:local "endloc" ([:find $"result" $"direct-url" -1] -1)
:global "dns-domain-ip" [:pick $"result" $"startloc" $"endloc"]
# Find the current IP address on the external interface
:global "current-ip" [/ip address get [find interface=$"out-interface"] address]
# Obtained from IP addresses to be excluded subnet mask
:set "current-ip" [:pick $"current-ip" 0 ([:len $"current-ip"]-3) ]
# Compare the external IP with the IP address of the DNS domain.
:if ($"current-ip" != $"dns-domain-ip") do={

# If different, then sent to our external IP by using Direct URL
:log info ("Service Dynamic DNS: old IP address $"dns-domain-ip" for $"dns-domain" CHANGED to -> $"current-ip"")
/tool fetch url=$"direct-url" keep-result=no
# Download the file with the new IP after 5 sec.
:delay 5
/tool fetch url=$"api-url" dst-path="/freedns.txt"
} else={
# Not to clog the log, you need to comment out this line.
:log info ("IP address is NOT CHANGED, the update is not required")
# Since version RouterOS version 6.0rc12 supported encryption /tool fetch mode=https
# In :global "direct-url" need to change to httpS://
# For RouterOS version 6.xx
# /tool fetch mode=https url=$"direct url"
# :global "direct-url" "\?UVdjU2lzQmQw*************dXFtOjg2NTI0NzE="

